Gestalt Principles of Visualization

Gestalt principles are one of the important contributions in the field of human perception and data visualization. Here are some of the principles: Proximity Objects that are close together are perceived as a group. Similarity Objects that share similar attributes (e.g., color or shape) are perceived as a group. Enclosure Objects that appear to have... Continue Reading →

Indian Ministers : Modi Sarkar 2.0

With swearing-in ceremony on 30th May 2019, Mr. Modi has finalized his cabinet for his 2nd term. The biggest inclusion in the cabinet is of Amit Shah, president of BJP who will be the minister of Home Affairs and the name of S. Jaishankar former secretary of Foreign Affairs and ambassdor to US, China come... Continue Reading →

The time when there was no pizza :(

We've made tremendous advancements in terms of technology and are progressing day by day.The day is not far when we'll be able to make a time machine for time travelling.As we all know that our scientists and inventors are geniuses and they'll surely be able to invent the time machine.So, why to waste time thinking... Continue Reading →

In the era where machines are intelligent

Living in the 21st century we have seen many technological advancements that are changing the world, the way we live.Life's becoming more and more comfortable and we are accomplishing the unimaginable because of technology.Today we can do anything with the help of technology, want a dress ?just go to Amazon, want food?, order it online,... Continue Reading →

My smartphone is my bae.

When I think about the gadget I can't live without umm.. only one answer comes to my mind and here you can brag that you can read my mind because you know the answer right? Yes, It's smartphone.I can't even imagine my day without it and most probably you won't be either.My life is dependent... Continue Reading →

Student suicides: Who is responsible?

27-year old PhD student found dead in IIT Delhi campus. 24-year old management student committed suicide by jumping out of a 19th-floor hotel room. 17-year old girl kills herself despite being selected in IIT. The above headlines seem normal nowadays.Right?Suicide has become a common phenomenon in India in the present time.Most specifically student suicide is... Continue Reading →

My Love For Writing

We are living in a time where getting time for ourselves is a difficult task.What we get is a little leisure time.But how we use that time is that what matters.Having a hobby comes as a saviour here.Hobbies can be an excellent activity to pass our time and that's why it is also called pastime,... Continue Reading →


  Have you ever been in a situation where there seems no hope, no escape to that, just darkness everywhere and you started thinking that you won't be able to get out of it ever?You just want to give up. Most of us do that, they give up on encountering difficult problems and situations, they... Continue Reading →

The Story I like

I sometimes really wonder what love is ,and try to find it's meaning but always fail , because it can't be defined properly in words. But whatever little I know about love is that if two people are in love with each other they care for there partner more than they care for themselves. They... Continue Reading →

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